Rest and Restore

Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 5

In this season with work, family and friends, we could all fill our calendars quickly with many events. I’m sure all of it is important and we want to try to find time for every bit of it, but are we building in adequate rest?

As we approach Easter, I would like to encourage you to prepare to lead yourself with purposeful rest.

Jesus modeled this so well. Jesus would sneak away to rest and spend time with His father. He would put all of his to dos to the side so he could fill his heart with the time he spent with His father. He worked from a place of rest, not for a place of rest. He knew he couldn’t minister to those God placed before him if he had not first allowed God to minister to him. He was never afraid to pause, go off by himself or spend time with his closest friends.

I don’t know about you, but I always know when I need that rest. I am tired-physically, emotionally and spiritually. That’s when I know I have to take intentional time to rest. Rest looks different for all of us. Sometimes, it means quiet time with Jesus as soon as I wake up and other times it is stopping long enough to have a good, heartfelt conversation with my spouse or a friend. But I do know that my heart is always restored after I stop time long enough to connect deeply with Jesus.

If we are constantly pouring out our cup onto others during busy seasons, we want our cup to be full from the time we spend with our Heavenly Father. Then take that full cup and pour it out on to others. But remember, take time for yourself. Restore your soul. Pause. Adequately rest. Then hit the ground running to love and minister to those around you.

written by Heather Jordan


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