Guest Services
Sunday, January 26th
MADE FOR MORE - you’ll find a special T-shirt for you to wear until February 16th. These T-shirts are staying at North Point! Just put them on over your regular T-shirt to serve, then as you leave throw them in the hamper for washing and drying. There are plenty of sizes to choose from and you don’t have to worry about the responsibility of keeping and caring for them! Thank you for supporting our Made for More Campaign, as we encourage others to go deeper into the heart of their local church!
1/26: Team B
2/2: Team A
2/9: Team B
2/16: Team A
2/23: Team B
For more dates & to find your team assignment, check the: Team Assignments and Schedules document!
First Time Guest Bags:
First time guest bags are color coded:
Bags for babies and crawlers will have blue tissue paper. These bags have baby blankets in them.
Bags for older Waumba Land children will have yellow tissue paper. These bags have toys and coloring books suitable for kids in toddlers rooms and older.
Volunteer Expectations:
Guest Services volunteers welcome families into our environment, and show our first time guests how to register and where to go. There are three “roles” you may be assigned to on Sunday:
Front Greeter: Stands at the front entrance of Waumba Land, smiling and welcoming families. Shows new families to the first time desk to register.
Front Desk: Stands at the registration desk at the front entrance of Waumba Land. Helps families fill out the registration form, gives them first time guest bags and stickers, shows them how to check in at the kiosk and print their name tags, walks them to their classroom.
Back: Back hall volunteers serve outside the back entrances to Waumba Land, welcoming families and registering any first time guests who enter from the preschool parking area.
Friendly Reminder: Parents are not allowed to go into the small group rooms - only Waumba Land Volunteers.
All volunteers are expected to:
Arrive on time!
8:20 AM arrival for meeting, front hall - serve at 9:00 AM
10:15 AM arrival for meeting, back hall Large Group - serve 11:00 AM
Stay until travel is over and postcards are finished.
Escort families the ENTIRE time they are in the environment after doors have been closed- to AND from the classroom. No ONE is permitted to enter the Waumba Land hallway without a background checked volunteer or staff escort once doors have been closed.
Help write postcards to first time guests once travel has ended.
LOVING OTHERS THRU SERVICE - Robyn and Lauren, long time Waumba Land Volunteers have created their own non-profit that cares for the homeless and displaced in metro-Atlanta. There are many ways to support them. Check out their website to learn about this dream come true and how they are truly “loving their neighbor”.
CHILDREN’S DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY - CDA has been a long time partner via our Be Rich initiative. The Children's Development Academy (CDA) is a non-profit preschool providing high-quality learning programs to children whose families otherwise couldn't afford it. The brain development that happens in the first five years of a child's life impacts their success in school and life. You can support them via donations or onsite volunteering!
Absent this week?
December Birthdays!
Judy Hampton 12.18
Rob Parks 12.25
Kym Cornwell 12.26
Useful Information
9:00 Guest Services GroupMe
11:00 Guest Services GroupMe
9:00 Volunteers
8:15 Arrive
8:20 All-Volunteer Meeting inside the front doors of Waumba Land
8:30 Families can check in to rooms
9:08 Back Hall doors close
9:10 Front Hall doors close
9:10 Travel to Large Group for 3s and 4s- no check in until travel is complete. Write new family postcards after travel!
9:20 (or whenever travel + postcards are finished) Volunteers can go to service; Captains stay. We may ask some volunteers to stay to help stroll crying children.
10:00 Service ends; facilitate check out of children
11:00 Volunteers
10:10 Arrive
10:15 All-Volunteer Meeting in the Fours Playhouse
10:30 Families can check in to rooms
11:08 Back Hall doors close
11:10 Front Hall doors close
11:10 Travel to Large Group for 3s and 4s- no check in until travel is complete. Write new family postcards after travel!
11:20 (or whenever travel + postcards are finished) Volunteers can go to service; Captains stay. We may ask some volunteers to stay to help stroll crying children.
12:00 Service ends; facilitate check out of children