Small Group Leaders

Important Information for Sunday

This Sunday:

It’s a REGULAR SUNDAY!!! There is not anything to hand out. Yay!!!

Tips for Sunday:

  • Confirm the room numbers on each child’s sticker.

  • Read the curriculum.

  • Each hour bin (2s-4s) has been updated with curriculum. 9 am bins have 18 crafts and 11 am bins have 14 crafts.


  • Please label all jackets and any other personal belongings using the white labels located in the greeter desks in each classroom.

  • Check every security tag when parents are picking up the child. If the parent does not have a security tag, a STAFF MEMBER must be contacted.

  • Please make sure you check your iPad before leaving to make sure all of your children have been checked out.

  • Be patient and have grace with any mistakes and/or last minute changes.

Quiet Time Resources

God desires a close relationship with each one of us. But we must choose to make time for him and to quiet the world around us to hear from him. We want to help you create a habit of spending consistent time with God. Check out these excellent resources.

Info for Volunteers

January Birthdays!

Happy birthday to each of you!

We hope you feel extra loved on your special day!!

Megan Surdo - 1/1

Jen Self - 1/2

Hailey Swiggett - 1/2

Avery Ruthven - 1/2

Sara Buoni - 1/3

Lauren Saye - 1/6

Maya Lind - 1/6

Harper Evans - 1/8

Zara Tairu - 1/8

Marlo Davis - 1/9

Emma Bonifay - 1/9

Maddie Gibson - 1/10

Nancy Davis - 1/14

Aubri Neal - 1/14

Belle Reiboldt - 1/15

Tom Gentry - 1/16

Jerry Dubberly - 1/18

Elise Deladisma - 1/19

Taylor Bonifay - 1/19

Patrick Marco - 1/19

Kline Gordon - 1/22

Rumbi Motsi - 1/23

Natalie Mosher - 1/24

Robyn Pinto - 1/24

Christelle van Rensburg - 1/25

Gina Piper - 1/25

Ivanna Alvarez - 1/26

Rick Pelay - 1/26

Nancy Veasy - 1/26

Imelda Limbarno - 1/27

Jonathan Wood - 1/27

Ansley Elliot - 1/27

Grace Motsi - 1/28

Sarah McLay - 1/28

Sakina Johnson - 1/28

Lea Morelle - 1/29

Bella Ncho - 1/30

Lisa Hattori - 1/31

Jill Harwood - 1/31

Jenna Ballate - 1/31