Easter Devotionals
Easter People
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 7 - Easter People
What does it mean to be Easter People? To rejoice even in suffering, because we know what eternal living is. Every day, in all its mess and wonder, in all its celebration and mediocrity, in all its hurt and joy is holy when we live like Easter People.
When You Can’t Catch a Break
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 6
When you can’t catch a break, when the world seems to come at you from all directions, when you’re tired and you’re burdened, lean in to this prayer.
Rest and Restore
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 5 - Rest and Restore
This week, we’re looking at the worship of rest. What exactly is purposeful rest? How did Jesus model rest for us during his lifetime, and why is it important for us today?
New Every Morning
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 4 - A Prayer
Today is a new day, a gift from the Lord. We pray that this prayer helps you rejoice in each new day.
A God Who Satisfies
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 2
God satisfies our souls more than worldly things ever could.
Forty Days
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 1 - Thoughts on Lent
Forty days. Can you do anything for forty days? How long is forty days, really? And what did forty days mean to Jesus?