Easter People
Easter Devotional 2023 - Week 7
Scripture: John 1:20–30
What does it mean to be Easter People? To rejoice even in suffering, because we know what eternal living is. Every day, in all its mess and wonder, in all its celebration and mediocrity, in all its hurt and joy is holy when we live like Easter People.
Wherever you sit today, be it in life’s sorrow or life’s beauty, I pray you sit in it with another or a community and together you hold hands and know Christ lives. Together may you walk forward as Easter People bringing the love that Christ has placed within you into the conference room, the grocery store, the DMV, the classroom, the carpool line, and the meal table. Pour out that uncommon patience and gentleness into a thundering, fast-paced world. Bring Christ’s peace with you wherever you go. Let his Joy seep out the corners of your smile and his self-control monitor your thoughts and words. Rejoice, Easter People! Live every day knowing, Christ Lives!
“Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe.”
All my love,
“Blessed are we who stretch out our hands to you
in doubt and grief,
in sickness of body and mind and spirit,
our prayers not fully realized,
For that is what makes us Easter people:
carrying forth the realized hope
of the Resurrected One,
singing our alleluias great and small,
while it is still dark.
Christ is risen! Alleluia!”
Devotional written by Beth Pettry. Blessing by Kate C. Bowler, 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days